Cybbed IoT solution

Vehicle activity tracker

Vehicle activity tracker

Vehicle tracking device helps owners to get real-time notifications about vehicle activity.

Device incorporates accelerometer and gyroscope that detects its position and can call or send SMS when any movement is detected. Owner can remotely enable or disable tracking using its smartphone.
The area of usage is bike and car security. Also it can be used in home automation to detect opened doors or windows.

User interface

Status LED

SIM card slot

Control button

Power socket

Vehicle activity tracker device

User interacts with device using a control button which is used for power on/off and to enable tracking. To disable the tracking, authorization is required and, thus, can only be done remotely from owner's smartphone.

Status LED is used to provide user with run-time notifications about device activity. In normal mode it blinks once per 5 seconds. In case of error, blinking period is reduced to 1 blink per second. Error state can be caused by either of:

SIM card slot supports full-size cards. Mini USB socket is used for device charging.


battery charger and power management circuit

battery charger and power management circuit

GSM module circuit

GSM module circuit

accelerometer and gyroscope circuit

accelerometer and gyroscope circuit

low power microcontroller

low power microcontroller


Printed circuit board

Cybbed vehicle activity tracker PCBs


Cybbed vehicle activity tracker enclosure


This project is open source. All files are located on Github:

Repository with hardware design files

View PCB files

Repository with firmware

View Source code


Bike security system
Car security system
Home security system

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